McNamara bill would make it easier for homeowners’ associations to purchase leased land
STATE HOUSE — Rep. Joseph M. McNamara (D-Dist. 19, Warwick, Cranston) has introduced legislation that would make it easier for homeowners’ associations to purchase land that its members are currently leasing.
The bill (2025-H 5299) would direct Rhode Island Housing to work with the Department of Housing, the Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank, and other appropriate entities to investigate and determine ways to further assist an incorporated homeowners’ association to exercise rights to purchase leased land pursuant to the right of first refusal.
“Residents who own homes on leased land that belong to aging families may find themselves in situations where that land passes to some corporate interest,” said Representative McNamara, whose district includes homesteads on leased land. “This allows incorporated associations of homeowners, which already have the right of first refusal under the law, to work with housing agencies to understand their rights, identify the barriers to transferring these kinds of properties to the homeowners’ association, and make recommendations on how to address these issues and barriers. Ultimately, this is legislation that helps keep people in their homes.”
The measure has been referred to the House Committee on Judiciary. Sen. Matthew L. LaMountain (D-Dist. 31, Warwick, Cranston), who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, plans to introduce similar legislation in that chamber.