Tunes-N-Tales Family Music for Preschoolers
Every Other Wednesday
March 12 & 26
April 9 & 30
May 14
It’s Time for Tunes-N-Tales, Everybody Say Hello
Tunes & Tales for Tots will have you singing songs and making music with Anne-Marie Forer. This program for children includes finger-plays, movement activities and rhythm instrument play. Tap your toes, and clap your hands, it is time for Tunes-N-Tales.
Great for preschoolers ages 2-5 and their adult.
Walk-ins are welcome though registration is suggested.
Call 401-769-9044 x2 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Snow Policy:
If school is cancelled in Woonsocket the music show is cancelled. If you are not sure call 401-769-9044 x2