PROVIDENCE, RI — Today, Governor Dan McKee, Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) Director Dr. Jerome Larkin, and health care workers at Blackstone Valley Community Health Care in Pawtucket highlighted the importance of additional investments in the Health Professional Loan Repayment Program, as included in Governor McKee’s FY26 budget proposal. This represents the first time that general revenue would be invested in the program since Fiscal Year 2008.
The Health Professional Loan Repayment Program would receive an investment of $400,000—$200,000 in general revenue and $200,000 in federal matching funds—for loan repayment assistance for primary care providers and pediatricians. As part of the program, those professionals commit to practicing in federally designated health professional shortage areas within Rhode Island for at least two years.
“Rhode Island is focused on innovative strategies to increase our state’s health and well-being—a crucial pillar of our RI 2030 plan,” said Governor Dan McKee. “Easing the financial burden and creating a path for talented health professionals to work in Rhode Island are wins for our health care community and all Rhode Islanders.”
“The Health Professional Loan Repayment Program helps defray the cost of medical education, making the pathway to a career in primary care in Rhode Island more affordable for more students and new healthcare professionals,” said RIDOH Director Dr. Jerome Larkin. “It also helps ensure that all communities have the opportunity to benefit from some of the most talented, dedicated members of our health care workforce.”
“Primary care, including pediatric providers, is critical to ensuring that all Rhode Islanders have access to quality health care,” said Executive Office of Health and Human Services Secretary Richard Charest. “Programs like the Health Professional Loan Repayment Program help to improve our state’s ability to attract, train, and retain a talented and dedicated health care workforce.”